How to Choose the Perfect On Demand Expert for Your Project
The knowledge-based economy is here—and in many ways, it’s the future. As more individuals with niche skill sets hang up their nine to five boots in pursuit of more fulfilling, more flexible careers, forward-thinking businesses have a wealth of talent at their disposal.

Knowledge-based on demand experts will help you fill in skills gaps within your organisation, improve your internal initiatives, and ultimately save you money.
But, when it comes to working with freelance experts, you will only enjoy a healthy return on investment if you choose the right talent for your project.
To help steer you towards freelance recruitment success, here are approaches you can take to hire the perfect talent for your next project.
Identify Your Pain Points
Without understanding why you need a freelancer and how they can help you work towards your goals, your recruitment efforts will hold little or no value.
Sit down with your team and work through your upcoming project with a fine-tooth comb. Break down every element of your project, establishing your core strategies as well as your primary goals.
Consider the areas of your project where you fall short – using the data to note down your project pain points.
Armed with your pain points, you should create a rough profile (based on a buyer persona) of your ideal freelancer, including the key attributes your expert will need to meet or even exceed expectations.
Consider Your Values
Skills are essential—but so is cultural alignment. To prove successful, your freelance expert will not only have the right competencies and experience but be able to work cohesively with yourself and others within your organisation.
Moreover, if you choose a freelance expert that cares about what you do and why you do it, they will work with a level of passion that is likely to propel your organisation to exciting new heights.
Here’s what you should consider when searching for a freelancer with the right cultural fit:
- Is my potential candidate likely to gel with others in my team?
- Is he or she well versed in my industry or sector?
- Has this person worked alongside companies with similar values to my own?
- In conversation or correspondence with my candidate, does their personality and values align with my company’s internal culture and do they display a genuine passion about what we do?
Talk to Your Team
Whether it consists of two people or an entire department, your team is integral to your ongoing success.
If you’re working on a particular project or initiative, everyone involved should have a say—so when you’re looking to hire a freelance expert to help you deliver the goods, involving your colleagues in the decision is essential.
These people will be collaborating with your freelancer so it’s important they can work together both productively and cohesively.
Once you have a shortlist of candidates—ask your team to help you make a final decision. You might regret it if you don’t.
Work with the Right Tools
In the digital age, the tools and technology exist to help you source the perfect freelance talent for your projects in a way that’s intuitive, accurate, and time efficient.
Ultimately, the final decision is yours, but by using verified talent platforms like LEXITUP, you’ll gain access to a pool of highly skilled freelance experts and find the perfect match for your needs.
With LEXITUP, you can post a job or project, find potential matches, and review potential candidates before you hire them, working through the platform to secure contracts and process payments.
When it comes to hiring the perfect freelance talent for your business, making a well-rounded choice will depend on you. Follow these essential recruitment steps, trust your instincts, and work with a platform that will help streamline your decision—these are the key ingredients to success.
Best of luck and once you’ve hired your new freelance expert, read our essential guide to training and onboarding to help get your working relationship off to the best possible start.