6 tips Every Company Should Know about Getting the Most Value with Their On Demand Expert

Freelance experts understand the freedom that comes with the gig economy.
However, occasionally much time is wasted on projects due to lack of communication in the initial stages. To get the most value from a freelance expert, one must understand their strengths, working hours, and skill set before offering an expert a project.
With the gig economy’s workforce expected to soar past 50% of the American workforce by 2027, learning how to get the most out of your freelance expert will go a long way.
Follow our 6 tips below to help you get the most value from your freelance expert.
Share your vision
Sharing your vision with your potential talent helps them get a better understanding of your expectations and where the business is heading. This will not only help your freelancer improve productivity, but will help you achieve more within a limited period. It also enables the freelance expert to ask better questions, which translates to an even deeper understanding of the project at hand.
Know who you need
Freelance experts are professionals in their respective industries with invaluable insights and knowledge they can share with you. As such, when looking for a freelance expert, choose wisely and carefully. Avoid engaging the first expert that contacts you or one with knowledge regarding almost everything – a specialist will not only guarantee better collaboration but will also possess the skills you need for your project.
Be professional
To attract and get the best from a freelance expert, you need to carry yourself in a professional manner. It is important to plan as much as possible before a project commences as clients often get annoyed when the project they have assigned takes longer than expected, or the end result was not as expected – which is often due to poor planning at the beginning and throughout, as well as and lack of communication between client and expert.
In addition, paying your expert on time and giving them guidance, deadlines, and feedback can motivate them to offer more value to you, as well as uphold the standards that you maintain and possibly return in the future.
Pay well
The expert economy is a relatively new term used to describe the growth of experts being sought after by companies, so there is no hard-and-fast set of rules on project costing. However, while many clients take advantage of this by offering experts big projects with little compensation, unlike the conventional gig economy, this growing expert economy pays people well for doing what they know, what they love and what they do best.
So, do your research regarding what to pay an expert for their knowledge and skill set. Respect their many years and hours spent on becoming an expert in their field.
Use referrals
While platforms such as LEXITUP connect you to the expert you need in a way you can trust, referrals are a must have for every company. With 9 out of 10 companies leveraging the internet for solutions to their problems, you can be assured your colleagues will have a network of experts they can refer you to, which means the experts you are engaging have the specific knowledge you need, allowing you to get the best value for both time and money.
Find the right platform
Which platform you use is vital for ensuring that the experts you engage offer you the best service possible. Experts registered with LEXITUP are industry leaders in different fields and have been vetted by us to ensure you are getting access to the best. Some experts are CEOs, who can only spare an hour of their busy schedule every month, while others are open to board placements or longer-term projects. Not all platforms have such flexibility, which might derail or slow your vision.
Other tips to getting the most value from your freelance expert include sharing your core values, aligning your communication preferences, and scheduling regular check-ins. Follow the tips above to get the best from your expert freelancer.
Other tips to getting the most value from your freelance expert include sharing your core values, aligning your communication preferences, and scheduling regular check-ins. Follow the tips above to get the best from your expert freelancer.